Thursday, December 19, 2013

Digitally Signing an Encrypted File Using GnuPG

This post will go over digitally signing a file.  Combined with data encrypted with a secure symmetric cipher, this will provide reasonable assurance that an encrypted file was sent from the source that claims to have sent the file, and that the file was not modified during transit, as long as the private key used to sign the file has been kept safe.  As before, GnuPG will be used for both encryption and digital signatures.

Step 1:
Generate a GnuPG key pair.

gpg --gen-keys

There are a number of options that can be specified when generating a key pair.  For this example, the following values will be used:

Type of key: RSA and RSA (default)
Keysize: 4096
Valid for: Never expires
Real name: Test User
Email address:
Comment: A test user.

Verify the key pair has been generated with:

gpg --list-keys

Step 2:
Send your public key, or make your public key available, to the party you want to send you digitally signed file to.  It is a good idea to also send the fingerprint of the public key through another means of communication, for example, over the phone.

To export the public key, execute:

gpg --armor --export "Test User"
To get the fingerprint of the public key, execute:

gpg --fingerprint "Test User"

Step 3:
Import the public key.  Once the public key has been sent and verified, the receiver needs to import the public key.

gpg --import publickey.key 

Step 4:
Encrypt and sign the file.

gpg --sign --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 secret.txt

Step 5:
Decrypt the file.  Decrypting the file will automatically verify the digital signature.

gpg -d secret.txt.gpg
...gpg: Good signature from "Test User (A test user.) "...

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